Integration with Altegio

Checkout of visits in a convenient and familiar interface from amoCRM and stable synchronization of data on visit updates and payments. Widget is available in Russian, Spanish and English

Widget Features
  1. Integration with Altegio allows you to share and edit information about records using the Kommo system.
With the help of the widget it is possible:

1. Make entries in the Altegio service from the pipeline and from the lead card and Kommo. There are such functions as:

  • when making an appointment, you can choose a schedule for a single employee or a general schedule for all employees / a general schedule with employee filtering;
  • transition to the associated lead from the log
  • hiding the records window at specified stages
  • displaying separately selected branches and networks for each Kommo user;
  • the widget automatically pulls customer data from the Kommo contact card into the registration window;
  • selection of services from the Altegio list;
  • color selection function for entry in Altegio from widget button;
  • recording additional notes in the "Comments" block;
  • assigning a category to a record;
  • the widget can also work with group records (one client in the group will be equal to one lead in Kommo);
  • automatic assignment of a task in Kommo after creating an entry;
2. Create leads based on the created records in the bound Altegio service with subsequent editing through the widget. This feature can be disabled in the integration settings;
3. Edit already created entries through the "Record Log" or the lead card;

4. Edit already created entries using triggers;

5. Set up automatic movement of lead through the pipelines and stages of Kommo based on the status of the entry in the Altegio service:
  • it is possible to set up synchronization with conditions for such entities as: “Service category”, “pipeline”, “Branch” and “Employee”;
  • synchronization with one specific pipeline is also possible
  • you can also choose to synchronize only one status, or remove the synchronization completely using the “Do not synchronize statuses” option (the lead by entry in Kommo will still be created);
6. Pulling up information about the start and end dates of the subscription, as well as the rest of the classes in the subscription;

7. Displaying information about the amount of purchases and the number of customer visits;

8. Select to display the Recording Log only in certain pipelines;

9. There is also a search function for duplicate deals/records at any stage of any pipeline;

10. An additional plus is that the widget is translated into Spanish.
Widget initial setup

IMPORTANT: When installing the widget for the first time, you will need to enter your login and password General account administrator Altegio (the one who created the account).
Connecting branches
In this section, you need to select which branches you plan to connect - data will be processed only from these companies.
  • Connected branches - select connected branches
  • Branches available - number of branches available
  • Branches connected - number of connected branches
  • Statuses of connected branches - reflects the status of connected branches
Margin customization
For the widget to work correctly, certain fields must be created in the lead and contact cards (notes are written in brackets below). Below is a list of required fields and their recommended types:
Lead fields:
  • Date records – Date format;
  • Recording time - Text format;
It is also possible to combine these two fields into one (in the widget settings there is a flag "Date and time of recording in one field"), for this you need to create a Date and Time format field.
  • Employee - Text format (it is possible to set the field filling method - with or without specialization);
  • Branch name - Text format;
  • Services – Text format (it is possible to set fields with the "List/Multilist" type if all list values ​​correspond to services in the Altegio service);
  • Service category - Text format (it is possible to set fields with the "List/Multilist" type if all list values ​​correspond to service categories in the Altegio service);
  • Record category - Text format (it is possible to set fields with the "List/Multilist" type, if all list values ​​correspond to record categories in the Altegio service);
  • Comment - format Text;
  • Record source - Text format;
  • Additional record fields - you must select a branch and match the additional fields of the Altegio and Kommo service;
  • Amount of payments - Number format;
  • Record ID – Number format;
  • Company ID - format Number;
Contact fields (created in the contact card):
  • Birthday - date format;
  • Contact category - Text format (it is possible to set fields with the "List/Multilist" type if all list values ​​correspond to the contact categories in the Altegio service);
  • Phone number format - choice from the list or your own value (if the format is not needed, click on the cross to the right of the input field);
  • Additional client fields - you must select a branch and match the additional fields of the Altegio and Kommo service;
  • Number of visits - Number format;
  • Amount of visits - number format;
  • Client ID - format Number;
Additional data:
  • Subscription name - Text format (created in the contact card);
  • Subscription start - Date format (created in the contact card);
  • End of subscription - Date format (created in the contact card);
  • The rest of the lessons in the subscription - Text format (created in the contact card);
(If there is a problem with pulling up data by subscription dates, change the fields of the Date format to the fields of the Date and time format.)
Note: any field types are supported, except for checkboxes or radio buttons, but there are limitations:
  • for text fields, the length of the line is no more than 256 characters;
  • for listboxes and multibox, the selected value in Altegio must match Kommo.
User setup
Here you set the correspondence between Kommo users and the Altegio service. To do this, you will need to enter the login and password from the Altegio employee account in the Kommo user block. Upon successful synchronization, you will be able to make recordings. In case of incorrectly entered accesses, the system will display a message: "Authorization error".
Here you can also set branches and networks that will be displayed in the record window from the widget button for each employee separately. Check the boxes where you want and save the settings


The next step is to match the statuses for automation (if you choose Synchronization with conditions or Synchronization without conditions) or, select the option "Do not synchronize statuses".
In the left block, you will see a list of standard statuses of the Altegio service, they will need to be synchronized with the statuses in the Kommo pipeline.

1. When synchronizing with conditions, you can add variations through the "Add distribution scheme" button, it is located next to the "If none of the conditions are met" drop-down list.

You can choose how records will be pulled up and where. Several entities are presented for selection: “Service category”, “pipeline”, “Employee”, “Branch” and “Record category”. Further, logically, set the status matches and click the "Save" button.

2. When synchronizing without conditions, it will be necessary to set the status synchronization only once, since when choosing this option, you will not have the opportunity for flexible settings for many pipelines.

3. When choosing the "Do not synchronize statuses" method, you will have an empty window. There is no need to configure anything further. Records from YCIENTS will simply enter the pipeline as lead, and then you can move it manually through Kommo.

Additionally, in the "Automation" section, you can configure the operation of the widget in Kommo and the data processing logic from Altegio, namely:
  • Set a task to create a record;
  • Add a journal entry in the lead section;
  • Display the "Go to lead" button in the entry log;
  • Hide the record window in the lead on stages;
  • Don't create a lead when creating an entry from Altegio;
  • When creating a record in Altegio, look for duplicates among transactions - you need to select the stages for searching for duplicates, which lead to choose for updating and, if necessary, 2 additional parameters;
  • Creating deals if there is no client in the record;
  • Make the linked user in Kommo responsible.
Request history
Using the request history, you can see which requests from Altegio were made successfully or unsuccessfully. Failed requests can be retried to fix integration errors.

To display the request history:
  1. Select the range of dates for which you want to display the history using the appropriate calendar fields;
  2. Select the type of requests (you can select all) using the multi-list field;
  3. Press the "Find" button.
To repeat an erroneous request, you must click the "Repeat request" button in the line with the erroneous request.

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